Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Explanations and "Thank You"s

I've been gone for a couple of weeks - I know, and I'm sorry. But I'm back now.

There has been a lot going on these past two weeks which have kept me away from this space. For one, my hunny arrived last week! We've spent the past several days getting him settled in and on track for his month here. He won't be practicing yoga, but he's already using his newly mapped Indian running route, which has resulted in witnessing the interaction of a mama goat with her newborn baby and the discovery of India's deadliest snake (a sidewinder!). I've been working hard at practice (whew - when past students say "first month tired, second month pain", they're not kidding), and Sanskrit, trying to maintain my focus and learn as much as I possibly can. Also, I was asked to write an article for an Ashtanga website run by one of the authorized teachers practicing here. I wrote about why we come to Mysore and if you're interested it was followed up by a really nice piece by my roommate's wife about how it feels to be the partner left to carry on life halfway around the world. So yes, it's been busy around here. But it's been good!

In the meantime, I know it has also been busy for those of you there. With Thanksgiving over the Holiday season is in full swing, I'm sure, and as I sit on the floor of my Indian apartment and see the palm trees swaying in the breeze, it's hard for me to remember that all of those types of celebrations are only a few weeks away.

In honour of Thanksgiving and in preparation for the season ahead, I wanted to share some of my own sentiments of gratitude. I have so much to be thankful for, including, but not limited to:

  • a wonderful and supportive husband who encourages me to follow my dreams
  • a loving family who has faith in my choices, even if they don't always understand
  • friends here and at home who are willing to laugh at my bad jokes, listen to my long stories, get up at ungodly hours to meet me for coffee or breakfast or yoga, and generously offer me delicious food, soft beds and shoulders to cry on when needed
  • the opportunity to experience both the beauty and frustration of living in India, to work with a teacher I deeply respect, the ability to practice and to be a part of something I wholeheartedly believe in
  • an awesome roommate; someone so willing to share space, knowledge, and time
  • a very cute dog who is well behaved or at least sneaky enough only to be bad when you're not watching
  • all of you who read and write and email and message - who send love and good energy and positive thoughts
Thank you! Have a great week and keep reading....

1 comment:

  1. Great article Anna,

    Those nearest and dearest seem to be the ones who it is the most difficult to explain to why we choose to put life on hold and come to Mysore to practice. Yoga friends get it totally and are completely supportive, but from non yoga friends we are most often greeted with "why?"
